
What is EMOTIONAL RELEVANCE™ and how would it help you Sell More to Existing Clients?

Imagine one of your most memorable moments—a first kiss, opening that acceptance letter, scoring the game-winning shot, or maybe winning a significant trophy. Take a second to go back there: picture the setting, the time of day, who was with you. Even if it happened long ago, I bet you can vividly recall those details. Why? Because powerful emotional experiences leave lasting imprints on our minds.
Now, think back to last Wednesday. What did you have for breakfast? Likely, you have no clue.
When a memory is charged with genuine emotion, it becomes unforgettable. And positive experiences that brought you joy, excitement, or pride? You probably wouldn’t mind feeling them all over again. By recalling these, I’ve just triggered those emotions anew—still vivid, still relevant.
Imagine being able to create this kind of emotional experience for your clients, colleagues, or partners. Imagine every time you call your client, they are happy to see your name show up on their screen and looking forward to speaking with you. That’s the power of Emotional Relevance.
Emotional Relevance three pillars approach - Stand Out, Get Personal and Make an Impact, is based on years of research and studies from the fields of psychology, neuroscience and Emotional Intelligence. Our approach is backed and proven by a list of success stories in different industries.